Mariam Girgis
5 min readJun 17, 2024

Colin Bridgerton is Still Down Bad… Dancing in the Church — Bridgerton Season 3 Episode 6 Recap

  • We are off to a strong start. Mr. Bridgerton begins his day in the Featherington drawing room. He is anxiously squeezing his knees waiting for her.
  • He’s been worried!! So much so that she tries to scare him with her cooties. But he says there is nowhere else he would rather be… Absolute cutie pie behavior right out the gate from CB. We love to see it.
  • You know when someone texts you and says, “Can I talk to you about something?” And then you’re like “Yeah!” And then they stop replying and you begin to spiral into absolute madness about what it might be. Colin is the human embodiment of that right now.
  • Colin Bridgerton loves talking trash about Cressida. Lord Whistledown energy.
  • Too bad it’s only HALF AS BEAUTIFUL AS SHE ISSSSSSSSSSSS. The Girls in Paris are shaking in their boots.
  • His nod when she says she’s been writing letters. His face is screaming, “Um ok WEIRD! I thought you forgot how to write last summer when you left me on read, babe.”
  • Featherington… for now. He wants to change her name sooooo bad. It’s gonna make me catch whatever infirmity Miss Featherington has
  • We, as a modern society, need to bring back hand kissing. I’m not seeing enough of it and quite frankly I think it would add years to my life to get a hand smooch every once in a while.
  • OK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEN ELOISE ENTERS THE STUDY AND HE SAYS “Did you know she was Lady Whistledown?” Did we all not collectively scream in horror?! I know that’s not what happens in the book but between Penelope’s “It would have been suspicious if she had not written about me” and then the ink on her hands and her general anxiety/panic attack surrounding the LW reveal, I was like surely he MUST know.
  • This bullet point is my continued shock about the last bullet point. I just need like five more seconds to scream WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was right there in front of him. At this point, feels like this is sort of on you, Bridgerton. Hate to blame a victim but with all the books you read, surely you can read a room.
  • “It is truly bewildering how quickly one person can become all that matters.” Check this man into a rehab he’s a Penelope Featherington addict of the first order.
  • HER WELL BEING IS HIS ONLY CONCERN (please Colin, baby remember this for later……………)
  • THE BANNS OF MARRIAGE. If ever there was an argument for marrying your best friend, it’s that goofy little choking gesture Colin does for Penelope in the church. Just a couple of childhood besties trying to make each other laugh and make out.
  • “IF YOU WILL STILL HAVE ME” I am imagining Harry Styles gently caressing Colin’s face and saying “You’re insecure, don’t know what for…” Colin would have been a huge Directioner.
  • TELL HIM, PEN!!!
  • Oh, she’s gonna do it.
  • OH YOU’RE GONNA TELL HIM THAT?! The way I would tell a man I’m a notorious gossip writer before I would be so open and honest about my undying affection. Good for her though.
  • His little lip quiver when she makes her love confession!!! CB stands for Completely Blushing.
  • Penelope is so generous, if a man told me he planned to spend a lifetime begging for my forgiveness I would be like “okay sounds good thanks”
  • The dancing in the church is CRAAAAZY but lest we forget his older brother once made out with his bride’s sister here so all good
  • “Were you ever punished as a child?” Probably my favorite line of the season. Penelope is so real for that. She knows Colin Bridgerton could get away with murder. (That joke was for Shonda, I am sure she’s reading my Reddit posts)
  • This is not about Colin and Pen but I’m dying that Cressida showed up to stealthily speak to Eloise after the church in the world’s brightest pink puff sleeved pastry dress. Way to blend in, girly pop.
  • Lady Danbury and Violet Bridgeton are president of the Polin Fan Club, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were also the moderators of the Polin sub.
  • Colin being all giddy about being able to write… IT’S BECAUSE SHE CONFIRMED HE LOVED HIM. The fog of anxiety lifting about her love has made him a writer again. Penelope is the wind beneath his wings (confirmed)
  • Eloise reading old LW… the only person who loves Pen more than Colin, even when she doesn’t know it.
  • Colin “I don’t follow the rules” Bridgerton remixing ballroom dancing to add in a spin… okay king, we see you.
  • Penelope and Colin giggling while they dance… just give me a bonus ep of them dancing for 58 minutes.
  • When Cressida walked in, Colin SHIELDED Penelope with his body… like he thought she was going to use her quill as a dart and get his wifey in the neck. He’s so dramatic. I die for him.
  • MANUSCRIPT TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Penelope asking him why he’s removing the “personal” passages because she enjoyed them. Penelope, you are so much braver than me. If my man had journals where he wrote about other woman I’d be like “How fun!! Do you want to burn these? Or should I?”
  • “Those parts are only for you.” Okay fine. That would work on me. You can keep your little smut journals.
  • She writes the best letters. (She is also the only person who bothered to write you letters, so there’s that)
  • Colin absolutely thriving at the thought of both Cressida and LW getting torn to shreds in one fell swoop.
  • Colin being lowkey jealous of El and Penelope running to a room alone together. Alexa play “That Should Be Me” by Justin Bieber please
  • Eloise and Penelope are my favorite couple in the Bridgerton universe
  • Colin casually stalking his future wife to be and accidentally learning she’s the most famous writer in all of society… honestly babe considering how much you love to snoop I’m high key concerned you didn’t get this sooner but love you, mean it.
Mariam Girgis

Egyptian American comedy writer with one Mexican American kidney. ✨ @mariam_aquarium on Tik Tok for more funny.